Community Crisis Response: Cultivating Teams and Mentoring Leaders

Serving and Supporting Community Resilience

NOVA’s Community Crisis Response Program is dedicated to training responders, cultivating strong teams and mentoring leaders in crisis response. With our industry-leading expertise and proven strategies, NOVA is at the forefront of empowering communities to effectively handle crises. Through collaborative efforts and comprehensive training, we teach crisis responders and equip local leaders with the necessary skills to navigate challenging situations and foster resilience within a community. Join us in building a network of resilient communities that can effectively respond to crises with wellbeing in mind.

“The most unique focus of the NOVA Crisis Response Team training is that it is a comprehensive training on trauma and supporting victims. The training builds awareness, knowledge and understanding on how to best support victims traumatized by a crisis: the behaviors and physical and mental reactions one might observe in a victim. The training is about managing the victims, not the systems. A person trained by NOVA can be dropped in any mass crisis situation and know how to support the victim.”

Caroline O’Brien, Senior Program Coordinator, Institute for Families, Rutgers School of Social Work, The State University of New Jersey

NOVA’s Community Crisis Response Team Training™, Responder leadership Training and CRT-Team Development workshops are essential for the growth, effectiveness and organization of local and state Crisis Response Teams. 

Effective responders/leaders exhibit strong decision-making, composure under pressure, communication skills, inspiring trust and unity among team members. Leadership training programs focus on critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability, enabling leaders to make informed decisions during crises. CCRT-Team Development workshops emphasize collaboration, trust-building, and communication, fostering cohesive teamwork and conflict resolution. These activities create a supportive environment and promote continuous learning and improvement. Investing in leadership and team development yields benefits such as effective navigation of complex situations, empowered and motivated team members, enhanced morale and cohesion, and improved community outcomes after trauma and tragedy. By prioritizing training, leadership and team development, organizations strengthen their crisis response capabilities, ensuring the well-being of their teams and better outcomes during emergencies.

Answers to Your Questions: Community Crisis Response Explained

A Community Crisis Response Team is a group of individuals trained to provide trauma mitigation and education in the aftermath of a critical incident, either small-scale or mass-casualty, scaling the response to the need, from one individual to thousands (i.e., the “Walking Worried”).

NOVA CRT training participants have a minimum of twenty-four hours of skill-based, field-tested training. These teams could be state coordinated (e.g. out of a state attorney general’s office) or local teams (e.g., a school district). Most teams have extensive training and experience in the widest range of traumatic events, from shootings to natural disasters.

In over twenty-six years of providing crisis response training, service and management consultation, NOVA has trained over ten thousand people to provide basic crisis response services. While NOVA’s Basic Community Crisis Response Team training is twenty-four hours, there is an extended forty-hour program that some prefer. There is also an Advanced CRT program that is twenty-four hours. All official NOVA training has to be provided by a NOVA-approved trainer.

NOVA-trained responders represent a wide range of contexts and vocations. NOVA CRT training is used by tribal communities, mental health professionals, first responders, school counselors, human resource departments and victim advocates, just to name a few. Learn more about CCRT Training here.

A more precise question is, how are NOVA-trained individuals deployed? With thousands of trained responders all over North America as well as other parts of the world, NOVA-trained crisis responders are likely present in many mass-casualty crises around the nation. NOVA-trained responders are commonly involved in one of three ways:

  1. In their professional response roles (first responder, public official, etc.), using skills from the NOVA training
  2. By responding with the state or local NOVA-trained Crisis Response Team.
  3. By official deployment from the NOVA headquarters. NOVA only deploys with an official invitation from an authorized individuals. Most invitations are referred back to a state or local team with expressed support for mutual aid if needed. Some national deployments, because of the scale, scope, media exposure or expertise specifically requested, are coordinated through NOVA’s national office. While the level of need dictates the response, the National Crisis Responder Credentialing Program is often on the first-call list.

There must be enough registered to cover the costs for NOVA, usually between 10-15 trainees Regional Training Hosting for Basic CCRT. The way to have a NOVA regional CCRT training is for a local agency to act as local host for the following:

  • Finds a site to hold the training for hopefully no cost to NOVA;
  • Provides equipment to conduct the training (power point lcd, easel(s) and chart paper plus markers;
  • Helps to advertise the training in local area;
  • Provides information about local hotels, at least for trainer(s);
  • Provides a place where materials can be shipped;
  • Assists trainer(s) to get to training site;
  • Provides coffee and/or some refreshments during training, if possible;
  • Provides information on local restaurants for lunch.

Learn more about CCRT Training and Hosting here.

No. We do not take orders for NOVA’s CCRT Manual from individuals. Manuals are only provided to those registered for an approved NOVA CCRT Training Course and the manual is included in the fees.

If you have taken NOVA’s CCRT course and would like to replace a lost or stolen manual, please email [email protected]

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