Kellie Portman is NOVA’s Senior Community Crisis Response Training Manager. Kellie joined the NOVA community as a certified NOVA Crisis Response Team® training instructor in 2018 before accepting a full-time staff position in 2020. As a Core Energy Life Coach with over 20 years of experience working with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, Kellie is best known for her humor and reality-based approaches to helping individuals achieve a greater quality of life for themselves and those around them. Kellie earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Services Leadership from Urbana University and her coaching certification for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). In addition to her education, Kellie’s extensive training, knowledge and lived experiences has allowed her to coach and train hundreds of youth, families and personnel in the helping profession. Kellie is a member of both her local and state crisis response teams and is actively involved in local and national responses.

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